August 18, 2021

Future Technologies Venture Opens Innovation Center with Cambium Networks as a Founding Member

Enterprise and industrial IT teams can test Wi-Fi 6, 60 GHz, CBRS and centralized management in a real-world environment

ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill., Aug 18, 2021 – Cambium Networks (NASDAQ: CMBM), a leading global provider of wireless networking solutions, today announced it is a founding member of the Future Technologies Venture LLC Innovation Center in Atlanta. As a founding member, Cambium Networks helped define the mission for the center, which includes a lab where enterprise, automation and industry 4.0 IT teams can trial broadband and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity solutions in a real-world environment.

The industrial lab capabilities at the Innovation Center include Wi-Fi 6, 5G, CBRS, Terragraph 60 GHz and 4G technologies. The facility includes connectivity to the edge, a local datacenter, internet and cloud technologies with network monitoring, and simulation tools for testing bandwidth, latency, and interference.

“Future Technologies is proud to have Cambium Networks as a founding member of our Innovation Center. It is critical to the success of the Innovation Center to have access to the best technology partners in each domain to provide a best-in-class sand box to evolve ideation to realization. Cambium Networks’ multi-gigabit wireless solutions provide many connectivity tools to solve many challenges in a streamlined, easy to use way to enable these next generation use cases. The useability component cannot be understated when solving complex problems and Cambium Networks’ solutions just work,” said Peter Cappiello, CEO Future Technologies Venture, LLC.

“Access to wireless broadband has become critical for communities to thrive, and Future Technologies Venture’s Innovation Center provides an opportunity to service providers and enterprise network IT professionals to prove the performance of wireless connectivity with specific use cases,” said Atul Bhatnagar, president and CEO of Cambium Networks. “We are proud to be a founding member of this Innovation Center, where leaders from across many industries can experience firsthand the performance of our multi-gigabit wireless connectivity at the edge of the network.”

The focus areas for Cambium Networks’ solutions include:

·         End to end centralized management and network planning software

·         Enterprise Wi-Fi and switching featuring Wi-Fi 6 access points and switching

·         Fixed wireless broadband for Wide Area Networks (WAN) and Field Area Networks (FAN) including 60 GHz multi-gigabit millimeter wave, CBRS, and purpose-built technologies

Innovation Center Founding Members include Intel, Cambium Networks, Tecore Networks, Nokia, Megh Computing, Librestream and KCF Technologies.

Find out more about 5G Fixed wireless, Wi-Fi 6 solutions and centralized management solutions at one of Cambium Networks online events in September.

Cambium Networks’ full wireless fabric portfolio of solutions are available through its global network of partners.

Cambium Networks is celebrating a Decade of Excellence in 2021 with more than 10 million radios shipped worldwide since commencing operations in 2011.

For more information on the Innovation Center visit Future Technologies website:

About Future Technologies Venture, LLC

Future Technologies Venture, LLC. is Lead System Integrator (LSI) specializing in the assessment, planning, design, implementation, and support of innovative communication solutions. Future Technologies maintains a strong concentration on emerging standards such as 5G, 4G Private LTE, Wi-Fi, SCADA, Automation, and Autonomous technologies. Through this practice and our knowledge of legacy solutions (2G, 3G, 2-Way, TDM) and Broadband Wireless solutions, Future Technologies consistently distinguishes itself as an industry expert in all aspects of customer network evaluation for private and public network infrastructure projects throughout the US and International markets. Future Technologies is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. Please visit for more information.

About Cambium Networks

Cambium Networks delivers wireless communications that work for businesses, communities, and cities worldwide. Millions of our radios are deployed to connect people, places and things with a unified wireless fabric that spans multiple standards and frequencies of fixed wireless and Wi-Fi, all managed centrally via the cloud. Our multi-gigabit wireless fabric offers a compelling value proposition over traditional fiber and alternative wireless solutions. We work with our Cambium certified ConnectedPartners to deliver purpose-built networks for service provider, enterprise, industrial, and government connectivity solutions in urban, suburban, and rural environments, with wireless that just works.

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Taylor Juska